DRAWING AND EXPLANATION -For me this image is the main book representation since directly tells us that it is a search which begins to find the murderer of his daughter and his wife and seek revenge, it could also be said that this image relives the moment in which he uses the strategy of looking for traces in the murder weapon to find the murderer At first he makes a mistake but after going through multiple situations of despair and search he manages to find such a murderous man of his wife and daughter and receives his much-sought revenge. CHARACTERS: *Atler, Bagalo, vigilant, widow, estadounidense, karl ritter, thief, wife, daughter, cousins, friends. PLACES: * england, Napoleon, Arkansas, the morgue of england, napoleon's ship, munich, baviera, dahlweiner, karlstrasse, house the widow. EVENTS: *was on a ship with some friends. We were approaching Napoleon, Arkansas, so I started to think about a very important errand that I had to do in this town. It was midd...