Assay (Tick Punt)
Thesis: Tick-Punt is a highly innovative project that will bring revolutionary changes to the I.E.J.M.R.P.
General objectives:
-Provide extensive knowledge of what software programming is.
-to announce What is it Tick-punt.
Specific objectives:
-Provide knowledge of how the methodology used in Tick-Punt is.
-Provide knowledge of all the processes that are worked in both the software and the hardware of Tick-Punt.
INTRODUCTION (What is software programming)
From any computer we can distinguish two essential elements:
The hardware and the software. The hardware is the physical part, the chips and the cables (the machine) while the software is the programs that run on top of this piece of physical engineering.
Software programming is the end result of a process that begins with the statement of a problem or an idea that starts the creation of a page that offers X or Y services. A program is a set of instructions written in a programming language that will be executed on a computer.
Software programming is a very extensive subject, which in order to understand it we have to understand its main bases which are,
the programming languages, and the different programs that exist to use the languages.
A programming language is a set of symbols and codes used to guide the programming of structures in web development. There are multiple programming languages and each one has its different advantages allowing the programmer to have different options when solving a problem or starting to program a page, some programming languages are the following:
-Java Script
These we could say that they are one of the most used by programmers today, and with these great web pages have been programmed that today are recognized and used by much of the world.
Some of the main programs for making software or (programming) using different languages are:
-Visual Studio
Software programming has helped us create and the proper functioning of all the new technologies that exist, since they all require software for their correct operation, software programming has been the key in this was of technology and the Internet where now web pages are essential for managing large companies , social networks and electronic devices as mentioned above.
DEVELOPING (Project Tick-Punt)
It is a project that the whole team has been doing since last year, Since we came up with the idea, it seemed super innovative and could greatly help the institution and many more institutions.
The idea for the realization of this project was given because it was one of the main problems that arose in the institution since the administration of late arrivals was disorderly and the methods they used were not efficient, in some cases the process delayed more than student to enter the class.
So we came up with the idea of creating a page which would record the late arrivals of the student and go immediately to the coordinator, whose process would be simple, fast, efficient and maintain a correct order.
Basically each student with their proper student card, which would also be an RFID card, will pass this card through an RFID sensor which will be on the institution's gates and this will be stored on the page (Tick-Punt), the name, the grade and the time the student arrived.
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